Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What's taking so long?

In case you're wondering what happened to the rest of the posts about Christmas gifts....

The package of homemade goodness I sent to the Seattle kids has not yet been delivered by our fearless, neither rain not snow, postman yet.  Was supposed to arrive Dec 24th.  At this point, I don't care that it's late.  I just want it to get delivered.  Hopefully before Claire outgrows what's inside.  I keep hoping that it's just because of the Christmas rush.  Of course, I didn't add tracking when I mailed it.  I know, I'm crazy.  Or else just too trusting. (But really, should that not be included??)   Maybe today will be the day!  If not, I go to the post office tomorrow.  Next time, UPS!  Better yet, I'll take it myself.

1 comment:

  1. i know, every day i look outside hoping it will just be sitting there!! i am so sorry.....i also am thinking maybe it just got caught somewhere in the holiday rush and is just taking a bit longer than normal....maybe there is still someway your post office could track it, i wonder.....
