Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Breakfast anyone?

 When I started making this felt breakfast food for Miss S,
I planned to just make eggs, bacon and oranges.
(I put chenille stems in the bacon to shape it.)
 But everyone needs some doughnuts, pancakes, and pop tarts.
Still working on the waffle.

Then I made this little bag for all of the food.
Another new technique...sewing on vinyl.
Great trick I learned...cover the presser foot and face plate with scotch tape
so it doesn't stick to the vinyl.  Worked great.


  1. WHAT?!?!?! You made that bag, too????? I totally thought you bought that?! Holy cow Mom. You're amazing!! (We were playing with it just tonight!)

  2. Hee hee. Always up for a new challenge.
