Friday, October 29, 2010

A few secrets

Also working on a few other projects, but Christmas is coming so...all you get is a sneak peek of the great fabric I ordered.  It just came in the mail today and I can hardly wait to get started.
And I'll show you these because they are just too cute.  But don't let any little girls you might know see them.  (I think these will fit perfectly in a stocking.)  If you would like any for gifts, let me know.  I have plenty of supplies to make more.


  1. Hi JoAnne-
    I love all your little projects! Mindy showed me your blog when she was out here.
    So, I have started to get into sewing.....BASICS though. :) Currently I have a really old machine- one that I was given. I think it's from the 60's!! Anyway, I know you sew a lot and have lots of skill and knowledge about machines. I'm thinking of getting a new one. Is there a brand of sewing machine that you would recommend? I'd love your thoughts... feel free to email me at
    Hope all is well.... :)
