Thursday, February 24, 2011

Memory Game

This project didn't require much sewing, but it was lots of fun to make.  It's a memory game like the ones you can buy, only this one is personalized.
I bought these wooden pieces.  They are about the size of playing cards.  I had 24 cards.
When I was in visiting, I took lots of pictures of Caden's favorite things.  I printed out two copies of each.  Then I cut them just a little smaller than the cards.

Using Mod Podge, I glued the pictures onto the cards.  Then I put three coats of Mod Podge over the pictures to fasten them down securely.  I also cut scrapbook paper to fit on the back and used the same Mod Podge procedure.

Finally, I sprayed the cards with an acrylic sealer so they wouldn't get sticky.

Then I made a bag to keep the cards in, along with some little directions.


  1. This is a fantastic idea. I will be using this one for some birthday gifts! Hope you don't mind that I'm copying. I've been without a computer for a while and I'm just now catching up on blogs. I especially like yours. Your sewing ideas and projects are so great. I love making gifts for our grandkids too. We have a bday/adotption party to go to in a couple of weeks and I wanted to make the gift. I think I'm going to use your 'felt name books' for it. Where did you get your ideas/patterns for the pictures you used in that project? You really do great work...and you have great pictures that show good detail!

  2. I just search the internet for pics. I am not an artist at all, but it seems like I can always find some pics I like. I sometimes have to change the size but that's easy. If you want copies of any of the ones I used, I save the digital files and would be glad to share.
